Topic: Saturn square juno: peachyboo Newflake . The South Node-Planet aspects in synastry may make you feel like you’ve known your person your whole life, there is a sense of familiarity, being in your comfort zone. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. You have a long term view of your relationship and are willing to work tirelessly for growing it. Synastry Aspects,sun Synastry Aspects Zodiac Information and Symbolism. e realistic, pragmatic and long-lasting etc. Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! (Linda-Goodman. 5. This aspect is particularly potent when it is the woman’s Moon in aspect. This aspect can create tension, fear, and a sense of limitation in a romantic partnership. in the charts of those under the age of 30 before the saturn return has happened the likelihood of more projection going on is much greater. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. You bring expansion to any common project. This is the person who have same sun sign, sun/moon, venus/mars touch, trine moon, psyche=moon, asc=lilith… in synastry. It shows the relationship in practice and the daily reality of the couple. Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in house highly personalized. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. there will be some other stuff going on in their pr composite though. Juno Square Saturn in synastry can create tension and challenges in the partnership. Here’s Martin Lass on the opp, although this is natal it can be informative for synastry too: "After Chiron conjunct Saturn, Chiron opposition Saturn is perhaps the most difficult of the Chiron-Saturn aspects. The Sagittarius Juno person prefers “duty to derive from outside authority” while the Cancer Juno person prefers “duty to the family”. Soulmates generally have strong Sun-Moon connections in the synastry chart. How would one describe these aspects in synastry? Juno Conjunct Moon and South Node (2d) Juno Square Saturn Juno Square Sun. With the harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) partners are likely to be solid, practical,. This is the couple that quickly falls into a routine though they barely know each other. Typically, the Saturn conjunct North Node synastry relationship is karmic. Lust Conjunct the North Node. Because it is bound to tradition, past habits, and. It may be linked to his goals such. Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in house highly personalized. Sun-Venus squaring Neptune on 27 Sag. Commitment and responsibility: Juno, the asteroid representing commitment and long-term partnerships, forms a square aspect with Saturn, the planet associated with responsibility and structure. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. One of my longest relationships featured a Lilith-Sun/Ascendant conjunction in synastry. It’s a method in which you do a Synastry with the Davison chart with the birth chart of each individual and make,. In my research, a majority of couples with SATURN-JUNO positive aspects or conjunctions in synastry do have stable marriages. I noticed john lennon and yoko ono's synastry also had double whammy saturn opposite juno in their synastry. Chiron in Synastry: Who Feels What. There is a mutual understanding between you, and you have a lot in common. The trine and sextile aspects are also indicators of attraction. #2. It’s important that you feel significant to your partner. Juno-Saturn synastry: The Asteroid of marital commitment meets the planet of commitment! Juno feels safe and secure with Saturn. 10. There can be. Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in house highly personalized combinations. However, this aspect also indicates unresolved karma. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. Having ones Juno conjunct or opposite another person’s Ascendant is a powerful indication of attraction and compatibility. Especially when they involve the ascendant, or other personal planets. Nessus Conjunct the Moon. However, if Jupiter is damaged, the person becomes immoral and extremist. Juno-Saturn synastry: The Asteroid of marital commitment meets the planet of commitment! Juno feels safe and secure with Saturn. Lilith conjunct Saturn Patriarchy, structure and order meet non-conformism in the most dramatic manner. Neptune Conjunct Juno in Synastry. Soulmates generally have strong Sun-Moon connections in the synastry chart. North Node is a good listener and an inspiration to Mercury. He was dying a slow death and sought to end it. , on both. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. He cheated on her, yet she still stayed with him, and fulfilled her traditional duties. most likely to meet at the house persons home, think family get togethers where your parents invite their friends. At times, it might even be counterproductive! The challenge is to find a point of reconcilliation, without forcing the other person. In composite Anubis forms a Grand Cross with Saturn, Moon and Jupiter. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. 9. 6. If your Saturn is conjunct a partner’s Chiron, you are the Saturn force in their life, bringing about structure. This aspect can create a dynamic tension as both parties strive to assert their. Saturn opposite, square or semi-square Chiron in the synastry chart. Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in house highly. Both partners may feel resentment brewing in their. 2. If someone’s planets are conjunct your ascendant, there is a strong attraction between you. They are sextile to Pluto, etc. Jupiter square Juno in the birth chart. Well I checked the progressed Chiron-Juno-square will be exact in january 2022. Sun conjunct Saturn in synastry: One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep, stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life’s responsibilities in a mature way, tackling challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially secure, etc. It can feel like a karmic connection, like both of you are a part of the same soul group, have similar pasts and habits. Scares me. hypatia238 Moderator . The conjunction and opposition are the most powerful. Saturn and Ceres conjunct in the synastry chart. It reveals the deep and complex connections that form a. Synastry Aspects - Astrology Meanings and Interpretations. Posts: 41278 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009: posted June 06, 2014 12:54 PM Moving to Interpersonal Astrology. That is my advice. This placement often indicates a cultural gap, which must be overcome. Some people use the words twin flame, soulmate, karmic partner, life partner, their. Juno opposite, square or semi-square Juno in the synastry chart. There's been a debate about the term for Juno, whether it means (sexual affairs/mistress) or (marriage/commitment) From what I researched, I'm leaning towards it being about. Yet, now that they are apart (at the conclusion of his Chiron return), they are friends again. Representing the archetype of the Wounded Healer, a prominent Chiron suggests deep wounding related to your identity and childhood. Saturn has a lot to do with how you structure your life. The Saturn person’s commitment may add a much needed structure and safety to the Sun person’s life, while the Sun person may provide warmth and energy to the Saturn person’s stern exterior. With time, Saturn becomes annoyed with Mars’ seeming lack of discipline and “childishness”. My NN square his MC (4) His NN semisquare my vesta (2) His Vertex semisextile my vertex (1) His Vesta sextile my sun/moon mp (1) My Vertex sextile his venus (2) My Vesta opposing his Pluto (0) DW’s Vesta trine Jupiter (0) Vesta quincunx Jupiter (0) Vertex semisquare juno (0) Vertex conjunct juno (1) both in 7th Vesta trine Neptune (3)Venus opposite, square or semi-square Juno in the synastry chart. "In the hyman psyche Juno represents that aspect of each person's nature that feels the urge to unite with another person to build a future together in a committed relationship. Both natives will find it easy to commit to each other on a romantic level. There is a responsible approach by both parties and a sense of camaraderie between you. Juno picks up where Venus leaves off -- after the courtship phase, when the conquest is over and the love and commitment begin. Posts: 35419 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010:. (Remember that when Jupiter touches something bad,such as Nessus,it makes it worse) 3. Of course keep in mind that having only one or two of all of these is rarely enough to fall in love when you aren’t expecting to. The trine and sextile aspects are also indicators of attraction. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. A Juno-Venus synastry with soft aspects is an indicator of two people who would make ideal mates. Here is their interp for the square: [JUNO SQUARE YOUR CHIRON]. I cannot say this enough. While you have the potentiality for a long term relationship, criticism from Saturn person's side and vanity from Venus person's side makes the meeting difficult. The Lilith conjunct Saturn synastry aspect can be dark and difficult. Synastry aspects for good sex • Mars in 5th or 8th house • Mars conjunct to an angle • Mars trine/sextile Moonposted May 02, 2014 05:44 PM. Saturn in Synastry: Relationship Astrology. Saturn’s power to hold us in one place )until we begin to take. One powerful method is the synastry chart – a fascinating tool used in relationship astrology that compares the natal charts of two individuals. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. When Mars squares, quincunxes, or opposes Saturn in synastry, this second scenario is quite likely. Sun/Moon oppositions can also catalyze a. Saturn stimulates Juno’s desire to settle down. Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009The Power of Sun and Moon Aspects. Here is a list of posts (published on my blog Astropost. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. The Venus human will want to show off her romantic side. In his paintings, he portrayed Gala with eroticism, in line with the 8th House symbolism. Posts: 3058 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012: posted. Mars opposite, square or semi-square Juno in the synastry chart. Moon and Ceres conjunct in the synastry chart. If two people meet with such conjunction, they. As for Jupiter that’s in 4th but doesn’t make any aspect with with of them. Argh I just noticed my Sun is the apex t-square of his Saturn/Juno opposition! He has mentioned to me I would make the perfect wife. Uranus can also become chaotic and maybe childish in actions. It can manifest in the following areas: 1. He does seem wounded, but I think I need to look closer at our synastry and his natal chart before saying it's definitely my Juno conjunct his Pluto that is responsible for this. Mutual aspects to Saturn. Hence, if you see a “bad” asteroid conjunct your Moon, run. Pallas the warrior, Juno the attraction power, Vesta the perfectionist, Pholus the catalyst for change and Eros the passionate love. This type of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry is a karmic aspect where the man takes on the role of his father providing a solid foundation for the woman who subconsciously sees herself as a daughter or younger sister. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. If Neptune is poorly aspected in the natal chart, the vicious negativity can make Valentine feel used and manipulated. Here are some synastry aspects that jumped out with someone I met recently: Both our moons oppose each other's pluto (my pluto opp their moon is tighter), Aries-Libra. Layla had been experimenting with an online astrology program to get insights into her romantic relationship. Both moons trine each other's neptune (again my orbs are tighter) Tight north node opposition in cancer/cap. There is a strong pull. Juno in Synastry has been another point of fascination for me since I’m diving into the Synastry realm. For example, solar return Venus conjunct your 4th House natal Saturn indicates that you will approach this relationship according to your existing domestic rules. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. 05 32 Lilith Trine Venus 0. ". I’ve mainly observed a house move when the ruler of your ascendant is in the 4th. The trine and sextile aspects are also indicators of attraction. Sun-Moon, Sun-Venus, Venus-Mars and even Sun-Ascendant-Sun in house highly personalized. But it's really hard to be more specific because there's so little information out there on Juno and it's exact. in the 4th house, a stronger emphasis on building a family together, or in platonic synastry you may actually be family members. Good Compatibility Factors in Synastry (weight 2) Sun opposition Sun 2 Sun opposition Moon 2 Sun conjunct Mercury 2 Sun sextile or trine Mercury 2 Sun sextile Venus 2 Sun conjunct Mars 2 Sun sextile or trine Uranus 2 Sun sextile or trine Ascendant 2 Sun conjunct IC 2 Sun sextile or trine Nodes of the Moon 2 Sun square Nodes of the Moon. Squares create energy, so there may actually be a stronger magnetic pull with this Sun square. Posts: 4590 From: Colorado Registered: Sep 2014: posted January 17, 2016 01:14 PMIf there is an asteroid in a very tight aspect conjunct an important point or planet, for example, conjunct the ascendant or the Sun, this asteroid gives additional information about the birth chart. In Hebrew tradition, Lilith was Adam’s first. We also consider every aspect between the planets and the main angles Ascendant or Midheaven. Words heal, empower and. IP:. Consider Juno as the antithesis of Lilith; Juno is seen as the ‘wife’, while Lilith is. Jupiter sextile Juno (2) Isn't Venus-Chiron synastry a big deal in Magi astrology? IP: Logged. Any synastry aspect is. Struggle, effort, hard work are often laced with sorrow and resignation. Often, the Saturn person is the driver of routine and predictability. So that’s juno conjunct asc Saturn and opposite Lilith and sun . Planets in major aspect with Lunar Nodes, either/both of them, especially conjunct; L. Pallas the warrior, Juno the attraction power, Vesta the perfectionist, Pholus the catalyst for change and. Their mars conjunct my south node. Vx/Avx axis activated by planets and L. IP: Logged. Saturn square Ascendant Aspect in Synastry: Saturn square Ascendant aspect in synastry indicates that partners are learning to meet each other half way. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto plus the North Node in detail. Juno feels safe and secure with Saturn. starvesasha liked this. According to a study, certain Juno aspects were commonly found in the synastry charts of married couples, including: Juno conjunct North Node, Juno conjunct Juno, Juno trine Venus, and. A gold standard for potential marriage aspects is the Sun conjunct Moon aspect. Randall Webmaster . You notice each other almost immediately when you meet for the first time. Valentine/Neptune — Neptune can become the enemy of Valentine and the asteroid would be able to see right through them with time. The North Node person serves as a role model to the Moon person as they heal their past emotional traumas. Saturn, the planetary representative of karma, can indicate a long-lasting can be a sign of a lasting bond. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. My husband’s South Node is conjunct my Venus; my South Node is trine his Moon/Saturn and square his Jupiter. This aspect is particularly potent when it is the woman’s Moon in aspect to the man’s Sun. The conjunction and opposition are the most powerful. Astro keen Knowflake . IP: Logged. 34 41 Pluto Trine Mercury 2. Lilith square Juno in the birth chart. The Isis person may save the life of the Vertex person, even. The Juno-Neptune linkage is known as the "mistress linkage". Posts: 601 From: Brooklyn,NY Registered: Dec 2012: posted December 01, 2017 11:06 PMMy Juno is in sag and on ascendant conjunct saturn with 2 def orb opposite Lilith on descendant. B Juno square Saturn (2) B Juno conjunct Chiron (2) Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale B Juno sextile Chiron (1) IP: Logged. Partnership could also bring out these traits. IP: Logged. Neptune rules Pisces and is known as ‘god of the sea’. These couples are attracted to each other. Jupiter Square Jupiter. IP: Logged. Since the Sun is masculine, the Sun particularly shows what a woman needs from a man. Most Saturn placements in a synastry chart represent past life karma. IP: Logged. "SATURN-JUNO trines or conjunctions seem just as powerful as JUPITER-JUNO aspects. “I Googled it right away,” she said. Ami Anne Moderator . Would it still bring a sense of commitment as the conjunction / opposition? IP: Logged. It is also common to find many married couples having other positive aspects with Juno with a conjunct or trine synastry alongside Mars, Venus, or the lunar North Node. Soulmates generally have strong Sun-Moon connections in the synastry chart. I'm so cappy Knowflake . Once again, we have the trait of lust being magnified by the beneficent Jupiter. 05. • Jupiter conjunct south/north node/vertex/juno •Uranus/Neptune/Pluto conjunct vertex/juno • Juno conjunct vertex/south node/north node • Vertex conjunct south node/north node • Psyche conjunct/opposite Eros. Juno conjunct Saturn suggests that the marital status will have a Saturnine/Cap quality to it i. Marilyn has Gratia conjunct Saturn in Scorpio 4th, square Neptune Leo 1st, square Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius 7th, trine Mars in Pisces 8th (T-Square Gratia-Neptune-Moon/Jupiter) Audrey has Gratia in Cancer 4thquintile Venus in Aries 1st, trine Moon in Pisces 1st, opposite Saturn in Capricorn 10th, sextile Part of Fortune in Taurus 2ndIn fact, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry aspect indicates that even the honeymoon phase might feel sort of lackluster.