Project zomboid loot rarity settings. ). Project zomboid loot rarity settings

)Project zomboid loot rarity settings  It's for a "months into the outbreak" mode, where most things have already been

Follow distance as high as I can. I have zombie population set to high, also all 3 respawn options set to 0. 1. New “Incredibly rare” option is too much I think, took me a week to find my first backpack (learned to use garbage bags thou) and never found can opener. Spare points: 48. For me, after a lot of trial and error, what seems to work is this: Zombie pop: insane but fragile (less hits to kill) Peak day: 14. Nova Scotia PZ player checking in. ”. 3 : loot will be reduced by ~25%. 1. only 1 or 2 loot . Anything without that property should qualify as generic 'Food Loot' (incidentally, this includes items like Bleach and Empty Mugs). While on the server I personally looted a small police station that had about 7 or 8 guns with loads of ammo. I play with respawns off on everything. Level that metalworking and get actual windows reinforced with metal bars, plumb for some clean rain water, get some freezers to make food last, get a generator, make a farm, make a hunting and fishing spot, start collecting some other pointless things such as. 5. They are wrong. [deleted] • 9 yr. . With the Loot Rarity settings, I would like some clarity on what the settings mean. Project Zomboid. #1. Default values for food are supposed to be either "normal" or "rare," and the other two are "normal. ). Weapons and ammunition balanced according to ownership/sales in the US. Real life,beans don’t respawns at the grocery store. You can level your carpentry by making stakes from branches (you'll need thousands of branches though). Which. Extremely rare, every other setting trivialises scavenging. It is built on. If you leave them on extremely rare its going to be overkill. Also check and make sure you don't have multiple stacking versions of ridiculously rare active. DarkyCrus • 2 yr. - makes absolute sense, as a lot of looting could happen in that time. Project Zomboid. If loot has been set to some of the lower settings then yea, you'll just need to keep looking. squeakingsquid • 2 hr. I've always set all loot other than ammo to the highest rarity possible and I never seem to have. 3, RespawnUnseenHours = 576. 1. Just to go to the sound settings and then click "advanced settings". I'm using the "insanely rare loot even worse" mod setting in a "10 years later" scenario and i'm enjoying it, the food is difficult to find and i'm relying mostly in insects and plants to eat. The "degradation" option only affect how fast your clothes will get bloody/dirty. Zombies move all the time, either by migration (they just move somewhere else at random intervals, and that distance isn't really far) or they move to a location because they heard noises from events, like gunshots, screems. I litteraly just loot 1 street, and im loaded with food for months, and then there is no motivation to go explore and get more supplies. 0, RespawnHours = 576. But you can learn to farm and when you travel to other towns,they’ll be loaded by the time you actually get there. Reply. Even on Extremely Rare setting for all items, in the 41 Multiplayer Beta it's consistently possible to find 4+ sources of food, canned and fresh, and weapons. -Go loot for the most protective and most efficient rare gear, -Make a better home. ) 2 : loot will be reduced by ~50%. Restart the server to load up Rust with the Better Loot plugin. It may actually reset loot respawn hours entirely. Maybe the OtherLoot value is used for man-made item found by foraging, so if you turn down the loot settings you'll find less weapons, junk, etc. ImTheShadowWolf • 9 mo. I discovered yesterday that the game has a vanilla option for more "rare" loot but i didn't try yet. A Really CD DA is a challenge game mode that was added to Project Zomboid in build 31 (February 10, 2015). In the Saved Presets box at the bottom, each default option is the same settings used in the default game modes. Per page: 15 30 50. Made 2 diferent characters both of which with ammo set to rare and ranged weapons set to extremely rare, first one found 3 gun cases in my starter home, quit that and made a new character, walked outside my home killed 9 zombies and got mysself 3 pistols a revolver and 2 boxes of ammo. Personally, I don't mess with the senses much, I like them being semi alert at least and I've noticed making them less aware then default leads to really dumb zombies. It's apparently possible to accidentally layer them and make it even worse. It's not enough even to clear muldraugh's main road and sorrounding neighbuhoods. of course it should be relatively far from more "populated" areas, but within the city - there is not much loot in the countryside. I'm interested in an 'extra rare' loot for food and canned food, specially. For small group, same thing. 75 max over 2 months at least. However, after changing the loot rarity settings, I don't seem to notice any difference in the loot spawns as I can easily find weapons/guns in houses or police stations. fixed bug introduced in 41. Population Start Multiplier: 1. Population peak day 5 without a multiplier of 1. But if u set it to very rare you could have a entire map not spawn a certain drop u might want or need. Playing this excellent game for long time now, but still not sure which loot rarity should I pick. How to Adjust Zombie Spawns in Project Zomboid. It’s probably your loot respawn settings. So I don't end up raiding a market and getting 2 weeks worth of canned food in the first week of gaming. 5 and keep the default ramp up so within a month it gets packed, haven't lived long enough to see it though. One painful year settings except extremely rare loot on all loot Reply. I would target somewhere around . txt . All my loot settings to insanely rare, except for Mechanics, Literature and Other to Extremely rare. Population Peak Day: 28 days. most of the time is empty. Lemonhead Nov 27, 2019 @ 3:22am. The custom sandbox options include settings for how zombies act and how many there are in the world, loot options including rarity, start time, how vehicles work, and much more. New Project Zomboid Interactive Map and Loot Visualiser website. I don't want to check 2 houses and then be good for food for a month. I made it give one point so that the trait is displayed as a negative one. 0, which is hard with build 41. Since most tables have a rolls value of 4, here’s what you can expect for each setting: 1 : loot will be reduced by ~75%. 54. Author. Do i really need to adjust the ini setting for loot respawn ? Its set by default on 0. darkness pick dark; helicopter to sometimes; house alarms on rare and zombies can activate them; generator and annotated map to extrem rare; environmental attacks on; nature abundance on abundant; all other things are the usual of apocalypse settings. The problem. Yeah, I'm not sure why they wouldn't just give it the same kind of hover-over info box that some of the others have. No, the cell (loot) has to remain unseen for 16 hours before the loot respawn will trigger. orgI have the "hours for loot respawn" set to 730 - which I believe is a month. In my latest Playthrough i found on almost every 10th zombie i killed a gun with with a full box of ammo and that is just insane. I play with custom settings, and even with lowest setting for food it still spawn too many. I really like the loot on the apocalypse setting. Clothe durability won't degrade by itself without help (zombies, trees, other players hitting you with sharp weapons. (could only find a schoolbag or two in the school) Police stations seemed to. Respawn Hours: 120 hours. epope46 • 3 yr. Loot rarity ? So i'm about to start a new game, a 6 month later challenge for the first time and i was thinking of setting every loot to extremely rare but i'm afraid that is is going to be too hard, what do you think ? What do you play with ? 121 votes 18 I don't. As an example, hosted a server with loot set to "rare" for everything, which is the same as apocalypse and survivor settings. " All this is something I only figured out messing around with the settings so I. ago. never looked at the code but had tried out, felt like the loot of playing CDDA. just to mention settings extremely rare loot, MOD ridicoulus rare loot, very low cars setting, min/max character 0/0 strenght&fitness so backpack is always a kingdom but this. mygamesonline. I changed the food loot setting to extremely rare for both fresh and canned, and it feels about what "Rare" used to feel like before the new build. The categories can be gleaned from ProjectZomboidmediascripts*items*. You can make stone axes, hammers, and knives. If you spawn 3 months in, you will notice much less loot overall, etc. Honestly it wouldn't be a bad idea. Project Zomboid > General Discussions > Topic Details. Yes. Happy I found the other mod as it fits what I. Those poll results explain a lot about the posts we see on this subreddit though. 25 by day 1 to 60 it feels much more realistic to see every counter, market, house get empty after a while. pzmap. ago. I play 16x population from start, its nearly death sentence for me to scavenge for loot. Rare and I have a mod that multiplies loot abduence starts 1 to 0. My population setting to 2. faptilldie • 2 hr. . 7 and a set of rules. The only reason I'd use this is to find a sledgehammer, because those are probably one of the most rare items in the game. I get bit, I turn into a zombie just like any other person would. Note: The only thing I can get to consistently spawn loot is the police station, which makes me think it's a loot rarity issue rather than a loot not spawning issue. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. 1hour=1day. 0 but start at 0. Havent played in quite a while but i never had this problem. rare or extremely rare. The default settings make your actions feel pointless. 1. It there any way to make food reeealy scarce? so i have to constantly explore to survive? *putting lots of zombies is not an. set zombie respawn to 0, left them proper (fast shamblers); 2) first day is to establish safe house. On a sandbox game, the 'lowest' is "extremely rare" for each individual type of loot. Zombies set to good memory and hearing, plus a long travel. My understanding of this, given the tooltips provided is that: Because loot seen prevent hours is 0, loot should respawn every month regardless. (If you want this trait to give more - or zero - points, you can adjust your character starting points in the Sandbox Settings -> Character -> Free Trait Points. Custom sandbox allows the player to adjust the game settings to the way they like. All Discussions. Population Peak Multiplier: 1. Unfortunately the peak zombie mechanic does not spawn new zombies. Rare car alarms. Like you, i just put the ammo and guns in a less. ZenoRain Nov 14, 2022 @ 12:15am. Set locked car and house to very high, but set the car condition to very good (repairing a car is a chore). And the "loot seen prevent hours" set to 0 *edit* the "max items for loot respawn" is set at 4. Your close can degredate of blood and water but. One easier one is near the middle of the map. I killed already 400 zombies around this fire station but they keep comming out of nowhere. All loot except for ammo to lowest rarity. OFC ist adding new elements to the game, but the fact that that this mod is making PZ to easy stands. Zombies and items. This includes default options since. Adjusting the settings will affect the total loot spawns though you will see less items all together instead of less of specific items. e: For instance if 'loot respawn' is set to 30 days and 'loot unseen hours' is set to 16 hours for the above example. With a major difference of 20% chance Between lucky and unlucky trait. Melee weapons do spawn more often. txt, all entries with the CannedFood = TRUE property qualify as 'Canned Food Loot' in sandbox options. Not much difference in short run. Posted November 26, 2022. ago. 1. Join. Renamed Item "Weight" to "Encumbrance" in the UI and context menu. Not really, but it depends on your loot rarity settings when you start the game. Recommended to run with Rare/Very Rare sandbox settings. After choosing a starting location, the player can choose their own options, or choose a preset to customise. 0 is way too many zombies to have very-rare ammo setting xD at least that's my experience in MP, we gathered about 20 to 50 boxes of each ammo type (Vanilla) before going to Lousville. we're using B41 Firearms and have ranged weapon rarity set to extremely rare, though within the first 30 minutes of gameplay we all found multiple guns. edotensei1624 • 1 yr. My personal favorite zombie type is to set them as extremely strong, durable, and smart, but only active during the day. I know the reason might be because of population number, but still they are too much and seem to appear out of air. No immunity, no super-human reflexes or god aim. In the left-hand menu, enter the FTP File Access and log in. 250 hours of Zomboid has prepared me for this moment. Posts: 1. Still use the settings i got on here before which is less respawns, but not. 0. It's for a "months into the outbreak" mode, where most things have already been. ago. But it start to show the difference in long run. Set loot to very rare. I think that it also works for generating map chunks, so when you enter a new cell it will spawn loot, zombies and other stuff accordingly to the in-game calendar, so it’s sometimes worth to hurry up. Makes a. Added loot rarity settings "Incredibly Rare" and "None", as well as a "Super Low" option for Fuel Pump content. This is why people are getting bored of their characters so. . Insanely rare loot settings and high Population. . You’re going to find 11 pages worth of options, though only the first and last relate to zombie spawns. And once I have a car and can check all of the heatmap areas, I usually find them at about the 8th location. Peaking at 3. 3. It is a "MAX rolls" setting. 35 or so. Zombie population around 1. Press Upload in the top-left, then drag + drop your plugin . This is my base around 20 days in, built this all without a sledge hammer. ago. It forces you to time your exploring around the night, and swapping day active for night active makes night the most terrifying thing in the game. ). Beat this guys. Lorewise most things should probably be at least normal, given you start near the beginning of the outbreak, and 90% of people turn from the airborne infection before they could conceivably use many supplies. For large group, zombies could have never got close enough to the rally with the leader due to rally travel distance (in short, the zombies tried to space out away from other zombies before they get within sight of the rally leader).